hmm...nothin much just wanna talk bout the outcoming final exam (4-13 November 09)
Final exam isn't really a big deal for anyone...except for PMR's & SPM's or wut so ever (really??)..because the rules are simple and yet it's just need to STUDY SMART & STAY FOCUS & ALERT DURING CLASSES...more than that'll be helpful increasing your percentage of success.
Hmm...(thinking)..somehow I dun really care if you're that type of person/would study more than what i've stated above coz "you're not me and i'm not you"...just don't get too carried away till you have forgotten bout yourself especially your family and Allah..the most important thing to remember and be taken care of.
Maybe that's all for now...can't think wut to type more...jus make sure don't abandon the most important things that i've mentioned above...hope you all pray for the best of us & last but not least "Study Smart, Not Hard Coz Effort Without Skills Are MeaningLess" (agree?)..
forgave me for i have sinned...
"We never recover until we forgive...forgiveness does not change the past but
it does enlarge the future"..
~ A video tribute to all students bout examinations...enjoy~ :-P
"To acquire knowledge, one must study, to acquire wisdom, one must observe"
-Marilyn vos Savant-