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July 23, 2009

<< :: Heart = Chaos Within :: >>


Woah!!..lately, there's so many things lingers in my mind thinking of myself. As i asked myself many times.."What is my purpose of living?" or make it easier "what is my purpose at HIRA'?" but that's not the main topic I want to brought in here. I just want to clear out things which questioned lots of people especially my classmates 2 Ibnu Jauzy of my absents during this examination week. Maybe lots of people think that I want to skip the exam meaning I don't want to sit for the exam. That's true but that's not the very main reason for it, actually i have problem within me that bring chaos to my mind and heart that i can't explain and share with you guys except certain people. Hope you guys could pray for me so that I could go back to school & start over of what I've left there during my absents for the entire week. At least you guys could pray me with :-

.: and please, do it with :-

coz smiles brings happiness & joy towards people & surrounding...

Get the picture of what I'm babbling of...??

July 21, 2009

Farewell Big Bro & Sis...


As what I told to sum of u guys, i went back home on Sunday 19th of July 2009. Well, i can't doubt it that i want to sit back home and relax before the 2nd exam that will be held on the 21-27th of July 2009. but honestly, the real main reason is to be with my beloved big bro & sis:-

~big bro & sis~

before they'll be leaving for further studies in Australia at the University of South Australia (UNISA) on Monday, 20th of July 2009. For ur information, both of them took the Business Accountancy course as they were very interested in making money. They'll be leaving for 1 and a half or two years maybe. Hope they arrive safe, succeed in their studies and most importantly, be a good Muslim who enslave themselves only to Allah The Almighty. Amin. These are very few pictures at the KLIA before they'll depart :-

~ big sis & friends~

~big sis & dad (mom at the back)~

~big bro & dad~

Well that's all from me. I could display some more beautiful pics but the camera had ran out of battery coz I forgot to recharge it b4. Sigh, making this post really ache my heart though. Some advice to everyone, love ur brothers & sisters as much as u can b4 u can't for a long time!

July 20, 2009

<> Isra' Mi'Raj <> Perjalanan Menuju Perubahan

-Sacred Journey of Prophet Muhammad S.A.W-

Esok, bertarikh pada 20 Julai 2009 bersamaan 27 Rejab 620 Hijrah adalah peristiwa bersejarah bagi seluruh umat Islam atas peristiwa Rasulullah naik ke langit Sidratul Muntaha untuk bertemu dgn Allah S.W.T dgn menaiki Buraq. Peristiwa t'sebut berlaku apabila Jibril mengejutkan Rasulullah saw dari lamunan malam dan mengisyaratkan kepada Baginda saw bahawa kenderaan Buraq telah siap di luar sana untuk membawanya ke Masjidil Aqsa di Palestin, naik meredah 7 petala langit, ke Sidradul Muntaha melalui Baitul Makmur, memenuhi undangan Allah S.W.T. Di Masjidil Aqsa Baginda bersolat mengimami kesemua para rasul, melihat bandar Baitul Maqdis, memilih susu dan menolak arak. Di langit, Baginda bertemu sebahagian para rasul, diperlihatkan gelagat penghuni-penghuni Syurga dan Neraka serta tanda-tanda kebesaran Allah S.W.T yang lain. Di Sidratul Muntaha, Baginda diwahyukan Allah S.W.T apa yang hendak diwahyukan oleh-Nya, termasuk kewajipan Solat, ibadah yang paling utama. Sekembalinya Nabi S.A.W ke Mekah dari langit, kekuatan Baginda saw untuk berdakwah lebih kental. Segelintir orang Islam murtad kerana tidak dapat menerima hakikat boleh berlakunya peristiwa Muhammad S.A.W pergi ke Palestin dan langit serta kembali semula pada malam yang sama. Para Sahabat R.A yang lain bertambah keyakinan dan kekaguman mereka kepada Nabi tercinta. Bagi Nabi saw pula, melihat sendiri kesudahan manusia di Syurga dan Neraka sudah cukup memberi motivasi penuh untuk menyelamatkan mereka di dunia lagi, sebelum mereka menempuh Alam Pengadilan dan Pembalasan, belum lagi berpeluang menerima wahyu langsung dari Allah S.W.T di Sidratul Muntaha.

utk definisi yg lebih lanjut, boleh cari sendiri. Wallahua'lam.

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